Baggage Scales API (V1)
- Flex
Provides a set of APIs for interacting with baggage scales devices (BWS).
BagJourney API
This is API specification document for Bagjourney APIs This provides easy to use user interface to inspect API details and try them out to test the functionality.
DCS Connect API (BagDrop Hub)
- Passenger Processing
DCS Connect API enables airline bagdrop CUSS applications to interact with DCS Hosts.
GateAccess API (V2)
- Flex
Provides a set of APIs for interacting with Boarding Gate Readers (BGR/BCR) and Self Boarding Gates (SBG).
Payment API (V2)
- Flex
Provides a set of APIs for interacting with payment devices (PMT).
Print API (V2)
- Flex
Provides a set of APIs for printing Boarding Passes, Baggage Tags and Reports with print devices (ATB, BTP, GPP, DCP).
Publish Flight Information - ACRIS API
- Flight Information
The SITA ACRIS API allows Airports and Airlines to publish flight status changes to the SITA Flight Information service using the specification outlined below.
Publish Flight Information - AIDX API
- Flight Information
The AIDX API service can facilitate the publishing of flight information to the SITA FLIFO system using the AIDX specification.
Publish Flight Information - SITA API
- Flight Information
The SITA API allows Airports and Airlines to publish flight information to SITA FLIFO AMS Community members. It provides an open specification which allows airports and airlines share flight data through the SITA Flight Information systems.
This AMSOpen specification also allows for the sharing of private data which should only be shared to trusted partners. See overview for further info.
Scan API (V2)
- Flex
Provides a set of APIs for reading Travel Documents, Barcodes and Frequent Flyer Cards using scan devices (OCR, LSR, MSR).
Service Management CMDB API
- Service Management
The Service Management CMDB API allows SITA customers to retrieve inventory information from the SITA CMDB database (ServiceNow).
Service Management Incident API
- Service Management
An API for Incident Ticket Management.
Service Management Incident PUSH API
- Service Management
An API for Incident Ticket Management (PUSH).
Service Management Service Request API
- Service Management
An API for Service Request Ticket Management.